Operation Sandwich - Nisswa

Deliver to LCC/PRFL

1926 South 7th Brainerd
Wednesday, May 29 12:30 PM

Edit this sign-up page

Meet at Bridge on 7th Deliver food to Lutheran Church of the Cross and Pine River First Lutheran

Registration is Closed

Registration for this event is closed. Please contact the event organizer for more information.

Your Information

Your email address will remain private and is used for reminders and for the coordinator to contact you.
Your phone number will remain private and is used for reminders and for the coordinator to contact you.

By entering your email and mobile phone you consent to receive reminders or messages pertaining to this sign-up.

Please select/check at least one job or spot.
Please select/check at least jobs or spots.
You are only allowed to sign up for one job or spot.
Wed May 29 Wed May 29 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Beth M, Amy M